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Mitigating the Risks of AI

Mitigating the Risks of AI

Publié le 13 oct. 2024 Mis à jour le 13 oct. 2024 IA
time 4 min
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lecture 15 lectures

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Mitigating the Risks of AI

A Comprehensive Approach to Responsible Adoption

Prior intensification of techniques such as artificial intelligence (AI) has made incredible progress, changing industries and even improving the lives. But as the application of AI systems is becoming more widespread, it became crucial to discuss the issue of threats and risks related to them. Strategic risk management for AI must also come with both harmless means of utilizing the technologies and guaranteed benefits of their use.

Monitoring and Oversight: The foundation of risk management

Effective risk management is all about using effectively appropriate levels of risk to its benefits, achieving maximal desired aims.
Risk management principles of AI systems start with regular and comprehensive supervisory mechanisms. Avoiding the creation of silos is essential, and the formation of cross-functional oversight committees is the first on the list. For it to be effective the following

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lecture 15 lectures
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Intéressante cette Creative Room autour de l'IA ! Thanks for this initiative...


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