Unveiling the Multifaceted Luigi de Marchi: Architect and Innovative Digital Project Manager!
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Unveiling the Multifaceted Luigi de Marchi: Architect and Innovative Digital Project Manager!
Luigi de Marchi architect appears to be a multi-talented professional with experience in both architecture and digital project management. Here's what I found about him:
- Digital Project Manager in Cultural and Touristic field: Luigi de Marchi works as a Digital Project Manager specifically in the cultural and tourism sector with the development of new digital technologies including applied in the innovative Game CHO.earth
- Project Manager for beniculturalionline.it: He was involved in the project beniculturalionline.it, a relevant web platform for promoting and showcasing cultural heritage.
If you'd like to learn more about Luigi de Marchi's experience, you can find his LinkedIn profile here!
His profile offers a more comprehensive view of his background including architectural

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Alexandre Leforestier il y a 1 an
That's good !
I am connected to LinkedIn too.
As project manager, I guess Panodyssey Pro could be interesting for Cultural Heritage Online...
Here is the Pro offer for Pro :
See you soon !