Félicitations ! Ton soutien à bien été envoyé à l’auteur


Publié le 21 mars 2020 Mis à jour le 3 juil. 2021 Curiosités
time 1 min
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lecture 248 lectures

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shy like a cat

high in the shelf

as I've her sympathy

yin of your yang

nothing but truthfull

as my love is real for you


zen is my mind

end of sadness

and no more pain


shinning like a ray of light

high in the moonlight

as in the daylight

never loose myself again

as i've done before


shy like a lil cat

a horse in the valley of love

in the end

reserved is my love

as well for you and me


zen is my mind

end of sadness

more and more laughter to come


shame on my mind

as i loved your melacholy at first sight

yang of your yin

nothing will be allowed to me

unless we're well together


shiny like my own soulmate

help me, teach me how to love you

as i've never been loved before

yin of my yang

never want to loose you

as i've screwed up all my past relations

by talking too much


suburb where I live in

hot in the mooonlight

as in the daylight

yang of my yin

will never feel aches again

as i know how it feels to be sad


zen is my mind

end of all aches

nomore pain for you


shiny like a ray of light

high in the foggy sky

as in the moonlight

you'll never feel pain again

as i'll preserve you from it

zen is my mind

never get lost again


now that I have my Yinsista

n maybe more,

only if you wish it

my love is free and unconditionall

universal but also personal

for both you n mankind

both close of my heart


shy like a windblow

as we breath yin

yang of your soul

I feel more than even a soulbrother

till we breath together

we'll never get lost again


lecture 248 lectures
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