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How to get an author's name ? 

How to get an author's name ? 

Publié le 3 juin 2021 Mis à jour le 22 févr. 2022 Culture
time 1 min
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How to get an author's name ? 

{This article was co-written by Alexandre Leforestier and Romane Babault}.

Panodyssey is giving its users the possibility to get a pen name on its platform. 

To have access at a pen name, different reasons can be raised :


  • I am a writing professional already using a pen name. 

  • I am an independent media or an influencer (self-employed, company, association …). 

  • I am a whistleblower or a freelance journalist and I need to be protected


In the case where none of these reasons correspond to your situation, you can explain to us why your full name cannot be disclosed (this information is strictly confidential and reserved for the management of Panodyssey).  


To obtain a pen name, you have to follow the steps described below : 


Step 1 :

Apply for

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