Trump, Las Vegas, and Mutteredconversation.
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Trump, Las Vegas, and Mutteredconversation.
After Post-Truth ideology, decay of an old (their) empire - as a Roman Dominion, supremacism or slavery pratice for children, women, Blacks and so on - the Rule of lie : in that case - THE DOCUMENTS CASE, classified and not/disc-classified -, THE BIG LIE - and THE BIG LIAR : Fox News - Fox lies - is today in the spotlights and almost completely covered by battlefield dust by real or true NEWS or INFORMATION (and not dis/mis/information) which show us how 'Trumpism' (a void synonymous with covidism) is MAFIA POWER (schismatic conversations or conspiracies, muttered talks and defamation...) or temptation of Omerta reign.
Poor Tucker Carlson, such a clown (even not a priest; if it was, he surely would be a crusader) who openly hates his Donald Trump he has yet contributed to make politicallly strong (by election, making also darkness on Capitol January 6th and so on). Stupid (no natural intelligence), indecency (no privacy respect); let
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