Their Mess...
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Their Mess...
The jewel photo (Sotheby's) is read (thank you so much to 'Morning Brew', on February 17th) about such exhibition of an ancient Hebrew Bible, a copy one. A COPY, keyword today in a political criminal AFFAIR (Trump mess and so on, confusion and lies...) which can be also named, in particular or in that American case : CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE. 'Their mess', their disorder, their seditious conspiracy and their no limit, their Big Lie, their diversion and attrition war, and so on.... Copy, double, like a lie which hides a truth, like a wig covers a top or a head, like an usurper (as well as a conspirator - who says and makes do...) who tried to replace a native or original individual (with right identity), like an artefact chases away the natural or inspiring one. And we lately knew that some stolen documents by a pitiful and illegitimate President like Trump, these DOCUMENTS are COPIES of first ones ! As if handling something which does
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