Neither Mickey Nor Minnie ...NeitherDonald Nor Dingo...Real Names,Family Names.The Documents Case.
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Neither Mickey Nor Minnie ...NeitherDonald Nor Dingo...Real Names,Family Names.The Documents Case.
My photo choice thanks the 'Newsletter' of Reality's Last Stand (February 1rst) because it deals with one of key issues of a today crisis of democracy (a Big Lie, an ancient lasting big one), of freedom choice or consentment, of free speech and knowledge as well as learning, and so on. How could you really believe (a new cult, dictatorship, and so on, a supremacism in its worst version) feeling and medicine - drugs - are (well) matched (like the same by chasing any difference) ? This photo shows a kind of identification, a bad or insane one, a compelled or forced one : (quote) "People no longer merely have illness; they identify as ill". Quick for an epoch change !
Sure in a post-truth era, drugs (any sort of) are like rules, silentiated rules but rules : supervision capitalism, especially surveillance supremacism (and supremacist surveillance) - a trumpism theory that is a true void, like covidism - , are defined as being under contr
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