Documents Case, Assange Case, FamilyName Case (and bastards).
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Documents Case, Assange Case, FamilyName Case (and bastards).
We still didn't end with all those CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS we know now Trump-the-never-more-President-of-United-States stole and stocked not only in his Florida house (an American Riviera, like a kind of tax haven under burn sky : why not ?) but also found in his office desk. Why then those two separated ways of hidding them ? Some classified documents are today at stake with Joe biden (which suppose each time a special counsel) who is also accountable of his handling even it is not a guilty one like Donald Trump who is more and more convinced for alleged CRIMES. At the same time, a citizen like Julian Assange is forced to live a non human condition but always standing for the Law despite the us bias accusation of violating the Espionage Act. Anyway, from one President to another one, we deal with what we can call THE DOCUMENTS CASE ; and certainly someone like Assange (a non official one) knows what on earth is the point regarding such a
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