Trump, Conspirationism and their Conspiracy
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Trump, Conspirationism and their Conspiracy
The picture is from "U. S. Attorney DC (Twitter, July 19th) : "South Carolina Man Sentenced for Assaulting Law Enforcement During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach". CAPITOL, a so old, monumental - huge - symbol; an its attack, CONSTITUTION One. No goose here, no whiteness like purity vs sins. We cannot sing here, we talk : we propose, we write.... No Vatican, but a Democracy as State or more exactely as regime. I would like then to assess a worldwide political situation, a worrying one, because most countries are not democracies and the conspiracy of conspirators likely rely on that fact.
ISRAEL, yet a democracy could fail as democracy for two reasons : because of the risk (the will) of an ALL-OUT WAR, because of Netanyahu attitude (not always, not clearly democratic one). It is one of points we have to put on the table.
During the American Campaign on 2024, some doubts now begin to emerge since 2016. President Jimmi Carter wonders, we are m
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