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To WFH or Not to WFH, That's the Question!

To WFH or Not to WFH, That's the Question!

Publié le 15 juil. 2020 Mis à jour le 15 juil. 2020 Bien-être
time 3 min
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To WFH or Not to WFH, That's the Question!

I started my internship when Paris was still tagged as red zone and the restrictions from the government hadn't been lifted yet. That's why working from home (WFH) is always a huge part of my job. I found it suits the nature of my tasks and it gave me more flexibility when it comes to my use of time. There are always 2 strong opinions when talking about WFH, some are huge fans of this work style and some hate doing so. For me, I'm in the middle, I love WFH but I also enjoy my time in the office, it's two different working styles that have their own perks. If it's my position to decide, I'd love to separate my working days to 50/50: half in the office, and the other half at home.

What I love about WFH

Worry-free from disturbing my colleagues

I constantly need to contact prospects and clients, and our startup office is an open area. I like chitchatting with my colleagues and I enjoy a lot that I'm always able to ask questions when needed. However, I don't feel comfortable having calls in the open office, I always feel like I'll disturb someone especially when I have more than 1 call a day. For that reason, to respect my clients and minimize my background noise, I also find WFH is a better solution since I don't have to search for an empty office and close all the doors and windows as if I lock myself away from my colleagues. WFH allows me to have more flexibility when arranging calls, and there's no need to worry about bothering others! Perhaps only my neighbors would notice some noise when I'm calling next to the window while enjoying the sunshine!

No commuting!!!

                                              Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia from Pexels

Saving the problem from taking the train between home and the office can be a huge change in life. Transportation costs in Paris are insanely high. Plus, I normally take about 1 hour every day to work and another hour to go home. Imagine all the extra time that can be put into use!! WFH helped me save a lot of time and money, the moment I close my PC, I'm home already.

The other perk is to save money from my lunch costs. WFH allows me to cook and have my meal directly at home. Going to supermarkets and preparing every meal by myself can significantly save the money I spend on lunches. WFH also keeps me away from the trouble of bringing my lunch box all the way to work and back home!

Customized working area

When it comes to working in the office, since I share the office with all the other colleagues, it's hard to decorate the seat a bit. It isn't saying that I need a lot of space and I have plenty of paperwork. For me, it just feels a bit uncomfortable when placing my bag next to the seat, putting all my notes on the table or leaving my mug too far away from me (also not too close for the sake of my PC and its vulnerability when it comes to liquids).

WFH allows me to fully use my 1-person dining table to the most. I can put the mug on the side table, close enough without worrying if I'll spill it on my PC. It also allows me to put all the necessary notes on the reachable radios. There are also plenty of good ideas for preparing your home office, it is always important to plan for getting better productivity! For more tips, you can read this article!

What I miss from the office

The interactions

                                              Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Working in a startup allows me to have colleagues around my age or even younger. It is the first time I work in a fully French team too! When working from home, I miss the dynamic I have in the office and our group lunches. I also miss the small chats and non-stop free French listening practices on real-life topics as well as business context.

To WFH or not to WFH

It is eventually a very subjective decision which also relates to the company culture as well as the nature of one's job. To me, the ideal situation is to have 2-3 days in the office and have the other days WFH. It may be a better arrangement for my job as well as for keeping my work-life balance. I'm grateful that my current position allows me to have this flexibility at work while still keeping my professional life challenging and interesting. There are also a few friends of mine who completely shut down the chance of WFH unless it's necessary.

In a time like this, we inevitably need to explore and adapt ourselves to the new normal of working style. It includes having a better understanding of using tech to work and communicate, being autonomous and responsible. Preparing ourselves for working anywhere might be the best solution in the long run!

Cover image by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels

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