PORTRAIT(S) OF TWO LIARS(but they are many more)
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PORTRAIT(S) OF TWO LIARS(but they are many more)
Don"t believe in Gates showbiz/buz and don"t misunderstand my choice for such a photo (source : FabeBook, sponsor I suppose Gates' one); my purpose is not of depicting him today, no my aim is to name two liars and BIG LIARS, then both having to face each their trial : Donald Trump and Julian Assange. The pitiful clown of my choice previously to my text is another example of using, abusing, imitating, turning away some ways, means, tactics or weapons like words or gestures especially when those clever inventions are borrowed, picked up to Intelligence Agencies they all so much criticize and are jealous of themn they monkey. NO, the selfish business under philanthropy or self promotion picture of a Mocking Bill sounds so much to an old script or a very bad remake no director today would accept. Deep State of Trump, CIA of Assange : so boring, so arrogant too : two liars, two super ego. And let's remote now the Reseater ; (his trial is
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