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3rd Round : A Conspiracy of One

3rd Round : A Conspiracy of One

Published Sep 6, 2023 Updated Sep 6, 2023 Culture
time 3 min
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3rd Round : A Conspiracy of One


Crazy, like a mark and a discriminating one : it's the case when you are going to tell .... makes you defamated ... because you are going to tell the truth before any Court within you could consider like a shelter. Justice, or fight for Truth; and truth also with a horse sense practice, outside any fake, propaganda : any  CORRUPTION. When I think some go on seemingly and anywhere  - on a podium ... (think to the pitiful Laura Morante whose philosophical work is renowned, see Twitter regarding her 'glamour' show) - with a placard to defend Julian Assange or some who violated law or mocked it, disregarded The Rule of Law (hackers regarding State docs, for example), I suddenly talk to me : but they are corrupted, in mind first and then by money. So I would like to raise the following question : why some people would not be corrupted for such a job ? In other words, why disinformation would be only but a fact concerning mainstream as if

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