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Moi, Lola - tome 2 by Delphine LC

Moi, Lola - tome 2 by Delphine LC

Pubblicato 9 mag 2021 Aggiornato 9 mag 2021 Cultura
time 2 min
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lecture 126 letturas

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Moi, Lola - tome 2 by Delphine LC

Prix or Price : 5,99€ en numérique (246 pages) et 16€ en broché

  • Éditeur : BMR (29 mai 2020)

Langue de lecture : Français

Nombres de livres dans la série : 2

Note Booknode : Liste de diamant

Note Amazon, Babelio, Goodreads & Netgalley : 5*


Résumé :

Summary :

For a long time I thought that love was not for me. However, six months ago, I met the man of my life. Since then, I've been on cloud nine.

Well, I was. Because he is back. And with him, all the ghosts of my past.

If I want to move on, I have to draw a line under them. But can I do it?

Ma chronique :

Je tiens à remercier les éditions BMR et le site Netgalley de m'avoir permis de lire ce livre.

Que de plaisir de retrouver les personnages de cette série auxquels je me suis attaché.

Dans le premier livre de la série Lola ne croyait plus à l'amour jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre Raphael, depuis elle est comme sur un nuage sauf que son ex petit ami est de retour et les fantômes de son passé ressurgissent. Si elle veux s'en sortir elle va devoir tirer un trait sur tout cela, mais surmontera t'elle tout cela?

Un livre lu d'une traite tellement j'ai accroché à l'histoire si prenante, émouvante à certains passages, captivante, addictive, remplie de suspens et de rebondissements avec des personnages toujours aussi attachants. J'adore la plume de l'auteure. Hâte de découvrir d'autres de ses livres.

My review :

I would like to thank BMR and the Netgalley website for allowing me to read this book.

It was a pleasure to find the characters of this series to whom I became attached.

In the first book of the series Lola didn't believe in love anymore until the day she met Raphael, since then she's like on a cloud except that her ex-boyfriend is back and the ghosts of her past are resurfacing. If she wants to get out of this, she will have to draw a line under all this, but will she overcome all this?

A book read in one sitting, so much so that I was hooked on the story, so gripping, so moving at times, so captivating, so addictive, so full of suspense and twists and turns, with characters that are always so endearing. I love the author's writing. I can't wait to discover more of her books.

lecture 126 letture
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