Best practices: how can I increase my visibility and expand my audience?
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Best practices: how can I increase my visibility and expand my audience?
This section will give you several tips to make the most out of Panodyssey. Increase your visibility and create a strong community. 📬
- Filling out my profile
- Opening beautiful Creative Rooms
- Highlighting my contents
- Sharing my content on other social media platforms
- Interacting with my community
Filling out my profile
Your readers will get to know you when they check your profile. Therefore, your picture and description are crucial. Did you know that a profile that is fully completed generates on average 4 times more views?
If you want to attract new readers, complete your description, indicate your passions and upload a nice picture of you or your organisation.
Opening beautiful Creative Rooms
Creative Rooms are the heart (and soul) of Panodyssey. There are spaces where you can store thematic content.
When a reader discovers a Creative Room, they first see its title, banner and description. To make them click on your Creative Room, you will have to embark them in your universe. You will need:
- An banner picture that is original and of good quality, in PNG or JPG format (to make sure it appears properly, it should be 1500 x 450 pixels). 👉 Pictures from image banks that we see everywhere have less impact than an original photo or illustration.
- A clear description of your editorial project. 👉 An accurate description helps users find and read your content. You have 255 characters to impress them!
Highlighting my contents
The way you create content has an influence on your articles' visibility on search engines. Furthermore, a text that is nicely formatted is more pleasant to read and gets more views!
We added a progress bar to the editor to guide you through your writing process. It summarises the basic rules to follow to optimise your publications.
Here are several other good practices to follow to get more views:
- Organise your content with a title and a subtitle. To do so, select the area you want to format. A small pop-up menu will appear. You will then be able to choose between different formats: "Paragraph", "Title" and "Subtitle".
- Divide your text in paragraphs. It needs to "breathe";
- Reference the sources you used at the end of the article. It will show your readers that your content is trustworthy. If you use other people's photos or ressources, don't forget to credit them;
- Read your text again before publishing it. 👉 Tip: your Panodyssey friends can proofread your text if you invite them as collaborators.
Sharing my content on other social media platforms
Panodyssey's design allows your publications to be visible on any seach engine. You will then naturally attract visitors from there.
You can go further and promote your content outside of Panodyssey, in particular on the other social media platforms that you use. This way, you will attract new subscribers to Panodyssey.
👉 Lucky you! We integrated a feature that will allow you to easily share a Creative Room or an article on social networks. You will find it on the left side, under the options tab.
You can also:
- Send your articles via email;
- Integrate the link of your profile/publication/Creative Room in a newsletter;
- Share your Panodyssey content on your website or integrate a link to your profile.
Interacting with my community
Like any other social media plaform, Panodyssey fosters (and values) interactions between its members. To have an active community, you need to be active too! Like and react to other publications. Don't hesitate to leave comments and send messages to the Panodyssey members.
This way, you will help new people discover your work. If they like your content, they will support you. Their own readers will, in turn, be interested in what you publish. Your community will grow over time and will become more engaged!