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Marketing Automation for Dummies

Marketing Automation for Dummies

Publié le 6 févr. 2020 Mis à jour le 29 mai 2021 Technologie
time 4 min
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lecture 317 lectures

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Marketing Automation for Dummies

marketing automation for dummies

We all have that list of hand-operated, monotonous tasks: notes, follow-ups, writing, drafting emails. Actually, these tasks aren’t hard, but they divert you from the more significant to-dos that can have a considerable effect on the bottom line.

Marketing automation allows you to set those old-fashioned processes up once and move on to the next thing. You can run your automated campaigns in the background while you concentrate your attention on larger projects.

How does marketing automation work? At a pretty high level, marketing automation campaigns convey explicit content to leads depending on behavior and data, with the purpose of closing more deals.

Here’s a picture:

  • You send new leads an invite to attend a webinar on your products and services.
  • Leads are advised to fill out
lecture 317 lectures
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