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How Tech Is Changing Marketing

How Tech Is Changing Marketing

Publié le 11 janv. 2020 Mis à jour le 30 sept. 2020 Technologie
time 3 min
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lecture 382 lectures

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How Tech Is Changing Marketing

how tech is changing marketing

Marketing is morphing every day as we spend more and more time on our mobiles, tablets, and laptops. Competition is tough in the marketing industry and the need for brands to be on the map becomes more urgent than ever. We are in the era of digital and it takes more than an ad to expect an increment in sales.

New technologies are being created every day to help businesses leverage their marketing and sales. And over time, the whole marketing industry has undergone a digital transformation. Moving forward, the entire landscape is going to change as technology is evolving. 

Here is how technology is transforming marketing and how you can take advantage of this.

1. Relevance

Back in the days, companies spend hard times figuring out what their website visitors’ care for. Thus it was tough for brands with several products and services to target visitors with products they supposedly care for. So, instead of segmenting their websites, companies had to cope with catch-all websites which do not necessarily have great performance.

Today, things have changed so far. Technology enables to know visitors’ title, location, industry, etc. And once you know those, changing their site experience becomes easier. This could be visuals, chatbot messages, and powerful narratives that you display accordingly with their interests. Customization becomes relatively easier as you can target messages to a very specific group fitting their psyche. Thus, recording huge bumps in conversion rates.

2. Adaptability

Numerous are the services that allow you to make your e-commerce adaptable. You now can integrate different payment systems making it easier for buyers to shop on your website.

Things change as time goes. So too does technology. Engineers are constantly working to have your marketing tools up-to-date. So, no need to panic.

3. Creativity

Do you remember websites in the 2000s? Admittedly their design isn’t the best you’ve ever seen! Fortunately, things have improved so far. Engineers are continually improving enabling even novice to build their website with an outstanding design. Poor design is no more acceptable.

The first impression says it all. Customers want to be wowed. That’s why every brand willing to boost their conversion rates should invest without thinking twice on their website’s landing page. With existing tools like Photoshop, Canva, and WordPress which allow you to create engaging visuals and even navigate and create web content, anyone can take their conversion rates to the next level. 

4. Ease

 Not everyone can indeed understand the programmatic ad buying. It’s even truer that there are lots of tools out there that make all these easier than they were. For inbound marketing, technology enables matching visitors with their respective companies by using reverse IP lookups. Email list building is an important aspect of marketing these days. And the richer your email list the richer you are. Several services are also striving to make email list building easier. And you can start building your list as soon as you create your website.

5. Speed

In a world of competitiveness, your reactiveness toward clients’ inquiries makes the difference. Customers have no reason to resort to your service, again, if your customer support sucks. Besides, if you can offer real-time customer experience, your sales are likely to get higher and higher.

From chatbots to social media, they are plenty of technologies that allow you to address customers’ issues with speed. 10 years ago, how could you take advantage of a scandal or a trend by proposing discounts or custom ads to customers? These days, your team can take advantage or even reverse a trend in just 15minutes. 

6. Reliability

Technology has taken reliability in marketing beyond simple words. Not like customers are paranoid - but they want to see data that prove what you say. Do you want to position yourself as a traffic building expert? Then, brag with your data. No one would trust an ostensible guru because of their nice social media profile. There are now a bunch of technology solution out there that allow businesses to collate some performance data and then use as proof of their expertise. 

Furthermore, marketers can have access to more metrics and use them for better decisions. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can figure out customer projected value and even qualify leads.

Because big brands have the budget that goes with branding, PR, influencers, they can be very successful. Smaller brands probably can’t afford this and it can translate their ineffectiveness. That’s why there are online tools for organization, management, and marketing to help them relate. Using these tools keep them on the track and help them evolve.

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