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The Management of Multi-Faceted Customer Bonds

The Management of Multi-Faceted Customer Bonds

Publié le 1 déc. 2024 Mis à jour le 1 déc. 2024 Technologie
time 3 min
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lecture 113 lectures

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The Management of Multi-Faceted Customer Bonds

In the unprecedented growth of the web and technology, customer retention in software companies has emerged as having a large role to play in success. This can be an overwhelming challenge, especially because there is an array of opportunities and what one can get in the market. However, it is crucial and quite achievable to retain customers for many years to come by providing more value consistently, superior service, and closer attention to customers’ changing requirements. You will find out about the possible techniques that software companies can employ to nurture customer relations that will lead to customer retention.

Why Is Retention Such a Major Concept to Grasp?

Now that we’ve considered the general approach, let’s consider why customer retention is considered a priority. It was reported by many researchers that increasing customer retention is less expensive and renders greater revenue than gaining new customer acquisitio

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