The Conscious Capitalism Revolution
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The Conscious Capitalism Revolution
Redefining Success and Impact.
This signifies that as a society, the people have wakened up to the realization of how businesses influence the world. Consumers are willing to buy from good corporate citizens and the employees the other way round, they are willing to work for companies that make a positive impact. A few savvy CEOs have intuited that financially-generated success in the future may not be enough; it will require meaningful purpose. It heralds a new dawn of what might be termed “conscious capitalism” where people and the earth are accorded the same importance as revenues.
When I joined the workforce over a decade ago, the key driver motivating organizations was profits.
Revenues, returns and shareholder value were the objectives that Organizations focused on. Frequently, for the buildings and structures people were planning, people themselves and the environment turned into mere appendix, if they were included int
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