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How Social Media and Online Meetings Shape Our Reality Navigating

How Social Media and Online Meetings Shape Our Reality Navigating

Publié le 18 oct. 2024 Mis à jour le 20 oct. 2024 Société
time 2 min
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lecture 89 lectures

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How Social Media and Online Meetings Shape Our Reality Navigating

The distorted reflections and virtual connections of the digital age.

Corridors of our lives – social media and online meeting have become inseparable realities of the present-day society. It has a strong effect on how people do or do not interpret reality, including building rapport and maintaining valuable and exhaustive interactions. In this composition, we will consider the advantages of employing social networks and holding online meetings in terms of shaping our vision of the world and bounce the importance of practical common-sense.

The Misrepresentation of the Reality on Social Media

The social networks have refashioned interpersonal communication and how people present their lives to others. However, it remains crucial to make sure that the picture, which is painted by social media, is a very accurate positive portrayal of the real world. Couples share the better part of their lives, styling the colorful and beautiful moments and giving people the impression that everyone’s life is perfect. This can cause us to develop low self-esteem because we compare ourselves to these well-defined images on the Internet. One cannot underestimate the obvious fact that what individuals post on the internet is far from the whole truth.

The Rise of Online Meetings

Online meetings have made the world come closer in communication and make us have more rigid and less flexibility in our particular business and working life. Yet, they also affect the view of social relations that we have in our minds. In the time of globalized and information society, there are many advantages in having virtual meetings compared to the face-to-face interactions, but they demand the reality of the face-to-face relations. Being deprived of performance and body language, it is exhausting to fully comprehend other people’s emotions and motors. The idea of developing a balance between electronic and tangible, real-life connections is important in order to preserve working closeness in the physical world.

Photo by Tati Odintsova on Unsplash

Influence of Augmented Reality

AR as a term refers to an interactive technology that adds digital information to the user’s perception and interaction with the physical environment. AR has been established in vibrant sectors involving everything for education, entertainment covering built environments and new paradigms to experience the world. That being said, let me make a clear distinction between being stoked and reality and having virtual reality. Whereas AR builds upon real visual perception on a surface, VR creates a whole new layer on top of it. This, however, should be taken with a grain of salt as people seem to forget that even as they engage in AR, they are not completely letting go of reality.

Preserving Head and Heart

Whenever facing new challenges, it is crucial to address ourselves internally and emotionally while walking through the digital world. Some measure to prevent the negativity of constant comparison and dispositions from genuine relations include regulation of social media use and ban on online meetings. Adopting discrete fixed-time for offline conditioning and face-face relations is critical to strike social balance between F2F and CMC. Therefore, creating authentic relationships and disconnecting from technology when required, we can guarantee an even more authentic perception of reality.

The use of social networking and conducting meetings online change our vision about the external environment. Comparison and tone-regard problems can occur when an enlightened vision of one’s life emerges through social media. Web conferencing is handy, but for the true relations, it deserves in-person mannered contacts; stoked reality raises the bar, but it’s more of a reality booster rather than a balm. It is thus possible to travel the cyberspace and remain grounded on the actual reality, while keeping actual boundaries, cultivating genuine relationships.


In French

lecture 89 lectures
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