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The Conscious Capitalism Revolution

The Conscious Capitalism Revolution

Publié le 23 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 23 sept. 2024 Société
time 2 min
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The Conscious Capitalism Revolution

Redefining Success and Impact.

As a society, we’ve become increasingly aware of the impact that businesses have on the world. Customers want to support companies that are good corporate citizens, and employees want to work for employers making a positive difference. Some forward-thinking business leaders are recognizing that success in the future will depend not just on profits, but also on higher purpose. This shift signals an emerging new model of “conscious capitalism” that puts people and the planet on an equal footing with profits.

When I first started my career over a decade ago, the primary focus was on the bottom line.

Revenue growth, return on investment, and maximizing shareholder value were the top priorities. People and the environment were an afterthought, if they were considered at all. It was a “what have you done for me lately” mentality governed strictly by quarterly earnings.

Over time, I couldn’t help but n

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