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Winning the War on Cancer 

Winning the War on Cancer 

Publié le 12 juin 2022 Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 Santé
time 1 min
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lecture 305 lectures

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Winning the War on Cancer 

The Epic Journey towards a Natural Cure


Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Sylvie Beljanski (USA-France)

This book and interview are both available in French; see Le podcast des auteurs 

A new breakthrough book.

Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure reveals the visionary discoveries of a French scientist whose suppressed research led to improvements in the prevention and treatment of cancer...naturally and without toxicity.

This book is a “story within a story” as through its pages, Sylvie Beljanski, the daughter of Mirko Beljanski, PhD, outlines a personal journey of discovery of her father’s new, and promising, paradigm for the treatment of cancer. This tale unfolds against the backdrop of the French establishment, determined to obliterate the findings of the world’s first green molecular biologist, one who spent over 40 years studying the environmental impact on DNA replication and transcription.

lecture 305 lectures
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