Félicitations ! Ton soutien à bien été envoyé à l’auteur


Publié le 12 juin 2022 Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 80 lectures

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Listen to the interview with the author here


Back from rock bottom...

Trey McCall, an up-and-coming superstar on the golf circuit, staggered past a mirror and gasped at his reflection; horrified, he froze and stared at his pathetic image—sweating profusely through a torn and faded Bob Seger tee shirt, eyes blood red and glazed, hands shaking, mouth dry and scratchy as sandpaper. The disciplined essence of an athlete, a thing of the past—each intoxicated day mirrors the last and the next—lured from his principled sheltered life on The Circle M Ranch by unscrupulous forces in the real world.

Suddenly fully aware—he must escape this highway to nowhere—to regain purpose in and for his life. The obstacles were infinite—four truths, his only vehicle:

He would need significant help to get there.
He must own his past to have a future.
Karma is real.
Trust is earned.

Lucky Richards, his nefarious business manager—a catalyst for disaster—vanishes, leaving in his wake an international trail of egregious felonies implicating McCall and his family. Survival becomes Trey’s primary concern, as golf takes a backseat.

lecture 80 lectures
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