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The Atropos Maker III

The Atropos Maker III

Publié le 15 févr. 2023 Mis à jour le 15 févr. 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 138 lectures

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The Atropos Maker III


Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: N. J. Lujan (USA)

What is more terrifying than a covert mission to North Korea? Try raising a 12-year-old girl.
Elina struggles with the countless rules in her life, especially when they keep her from a mysterious new boy who arrives at her school. What is Alexander Veurr to do?

As the leader of Atropos-one of the government’s most elite tactical teams-Alexander assigns retired agent Xavier to guard his budding daughter. With Xavier’s skills and agency resources, what could possibly go wrong?
A lot, it turns out. Elina goes missing and Alexander is exiled from the agency. Two things become clear.
1- Someone in the agency is as crooked as a dog’s hind legs.
2- Elina may be someone’s unwitting secret weapon.


lecture 138 lectures
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