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Publié le 15 juin 2023 Mis à jour le 15 juin 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 171 lectures

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Venice and surroundings, a few years ago.
Sergej has an appointment with destiny. After leaving the Ukraine and the world of clandestine martial arts to start a new life in Italy, he never expected to become one of the most feared and ferocious hitmen in Milan. But when during a villa robbery he is faced to choose between his life and that of a child, he has no doubts and, turning his gun on his friends, he knows he has put a price on his own head. Wanted by the underworld and the police, he finds refuge among the invisibles working in the industrial area of Porto Marghera, facing Venice from the mainland. Until on a stormy winter weekend, with the waters of the lagoon about to submerge, perhaps forever, the fragile old town, Sergej’s story intersects with that of other, unsuspected characters from the dark side of existence. And when the water of the Adriatic recedes, the light of day will reveal what remains of the victims and perpetrators of a world that has lost its moral compass.


lecture 171 lectures
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