3/10 J’ai écrit un roman avec l’IA : PRÉMISSES
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3/10 J’ai écrit un roman avec l’IA : PRÉMISSES
(Pour les termes de dramaturgie, je vous renvoie sur le lexique complet en français. Comme les tests, prompts et illustration sont en anglais, je vous mets un lexique plus court dans la langue de Shakespeare en référence ici)
L'objectif ici est d'aboutir à un pitch conceptuel efficace (le pitch dramatique), qui va servir à nourrir l’IA et lui garder son point de référence tout au long de l’écriture.
Vous pouvez ajouter de courtes informations supplémentaires (nous approfondirons les détails plus tard, voir ci-dessous pour les personnages et les lieux). Essentiellement, ces informations se présentent sous forme de phrases d’une ligne pour tous les éléments narratifs suivants :
Vous pouvez faire la même chose pour les personnages et les lieux principaux (là encore, succinctement, en une phrase par éléments, puisque nous allons détailler par la suite). Tous ces détails peuvent alimenter le codex dans lequel l’IA ira puiser.
Le pitch dramatique consiste à développer la phrase du concept de l’histoire et sa phrase de conclusion en un paragraphe complet décrivant la situation initiale, les intrigues principales et la fin. Idéalement, il se compose de 5 à 6 phrases :
- 1 phrase pour la mise en place (éventuellement 2 phrases, avec 1 pour l'incident déclencheur) ;
- 1 phrase par point clé de l'intrigue (point clé 1, point médian, point clé 2) ;
- 1 phrase pour la conclusion.
L’IA à la rescousse :
À ce stade je pense que vous avez compris comment réintégrer à chaque étape les éléments précédents inclus dans votre codex. N’oubliez pas de retravailler les résultats obtenus avant de les inclure à leur tour dans le codex pour la suite.
Il est possible avec certaines IA de placer le codex en pièce jointe (bien veiller à y ajouter la dernière version chaque fois) et y faire référence directement dans les prompts. Je vous engage à le faire pour gagner en clarté dans les prompts. Et c’est ce que nous ferons dès que nous aurons officialisé le codex dans l’étape 5 ;- )
Résultat pour notre roman d’exemple :
**Title: The Probability Shift **
- **Protagonist:** A brilliant yet socially inept physicist, Kevin's life revolves around his research and his wife. After her murder, he becomes obsessed with adapting his work for time consciousness projection’s applications in order to save her, blurring ethical lines and risking everything.
- **Antagonist:** Eugene Blake, a megalomaniacal financier with world domination ambitions.
- **Inciting Incident:** Kevin arrives late to a fundraiser gala only to witness his wife's murder, an event that drives him to use his genius in probabilistic projection to pivot his research toward time consciousness projection to prevent her death, at all costs.
- **Main Goal:** To save his wife and prevent her murder.
- **Emotional Stakes:** Kevin's guilt and responsibility for not being there to save his wife; his entire existence becomes about changing this one moment.
- **Characters' Motivation:** Kevin is driven by love, guilt, and the obsession to correct his perceived failures, while Blake is motivated by a relentless pursuit of power, control, and the desire to regain his physical abilities, seeing time consciousness projection as the ultimate means to achieve his ends.
**Internal and External Conflict:**
* **Internal:** Kevin's struggle with his social disorders, ethical considerations of changing the past, and coping with grief.
* **External:** Dodging Blake's manipulations and attempts to use Kevin's invention for nefarious purposes and dealing with the UN investigators.
- **Climaxes:**
- **Plot Point 1:** Kevin is lacking data to model properly before his wife’s departure to the gala, but he successfully get an exact model of the 5 minutes after his wife’s departure. That is the dataset he has to try and change things. But his behavior to collect illegally most of the data gets him suspended from the UN’s project and loose his access.
- **Midpoint:** Blake discovers Kevin’s true intentions to project his consciousness back in time instead of applying his research to modeling market trends for Blake. And he realizes the broader implications for him, but also the fact that he cannot let Kevin complete his task, because if Kevin saves his wife, he will never invent time conscience projection.
- **Plot Point 2:** Kevin reaches the moment before his wife's murder, only to be thwarted by Blake's intervention.
- **Act 3 Climax:** Kevin uses the only other full dataset he has, from the first UN test on the Middle East crisis, to project his consciousness back to that moment, and have the experimentation fail, so that he never comes up on Blake’s radar.
- **Dramatic Response:** Kevin realizes the immutable nature of certain events and the cost of his obsession. The good of the one over the good of the many, he abandons the UN project to stay closer to his wife and finally decides to have a child with her.
- **Unique Twists:** The time consciousness projection's technology existence hinges on the murder happening, creating a paradox. The only datasets at his disposal are the 5 minutes after his wife’s departure to the gala, and the Middle East crisis from the first UN test. He can project his consciousness back in time to that point, and prevent the simulation to work, so to never come up on Blake’s radar.
- **Intriguing Characters:**
* Kevin's wife Vanessa, whose intelligence, strength, and compassion are revealed in flashbacks and her influence on Kevin's journey.
* Members of the UN project team who have their own agendas and perspectives on Kevin's research.
* Blake's henchmen (including the one who actually killed Vanessa), each with their own backstory and reasons for following Blake, adding depth to the antagonist's reach and influence.
- **Plot:** A blend of scientific breakthrough, ethical dilemmas, a fight against a formidable enemy, and the eternal question of will and fate.
- **Time clock:** Just before he is removed from the UN, Kevin installs a hack that will give him access to the dataset hosted on the UN servers, but this hack will be wiped in 5 days by security protocols, creating urgency from that moment.
- **Consequences:** Kevin faces the ultimate dilemma of accepting his wife's fate and continuing with the lifesaving prediction program of the UN or abort the program to save his wife.
### Main Characters
- **Kevin Craft**
- **Tagline:** A genius driven to the edge of madness by his wife's death, seeking redemption through the impossible.
- **Goal:** To alter the past and save his wife.
- **Stakes:** His wife’s life, sanity, ethical integrity, and the natural order of time.
- **Motivation:** Love, guilt over not being there to prevent the murder, and the belief in science's ability to change fate.
- **Conflicts:** Ethical dilemmas, Blake's interference, the limitations of his own research, and his own social ineptitude.
- **Revelation:** Refuses to accept loss, and choose the good of the one over the good of the many.
- **Summary:** Kevin's journey is one of obsession, discovery, and ultimate acceptance. His brilliant mind and deep love for his wife push him to defy the laws of nature, leading to a profound realization about the nature of loss and the limits of human power.
- **Eugene Blake**
- **Tagline:** A crippled titan of finance who sees time consciousness projection as the ultimate means to power and restoration.
- **Goal:** To ensure the time consciousness projection project's completion, regardless of the cost to others, and use it for his own ends.
- **Stakes:** His legacy, physical restoration, and global domination.
- **Motivation:** A deep-seated need for control and dominance, intensified by his physical limitations.
- **Conflicts:** His dependency on others for physical tasks, underestimating Kevin's determination, and underestimating the UN capabilities.
- **Revelation:** Acknowledges that some things, like fate, cannot be controlled or owned.
- **Summary:** Blake's story is one of ambition, manipulation, and eventual realization that not all powers can or should be seized. Despite his vast resources, he confronts the limits of human ambition and the unpredictability of tampering with time.
### Settings
- **Kevin's Lab**
- **Description:** A high-tech, cluttered space filled with cutting-edge technology and personal mementos of his wife. It's a sanctuary and a prison, representing Kevin's brilliance and his isolation.
- **Usage:** The site of Kevin's groundbreaking research and his desperate experiments to change the past.
- **Blake's Mansion**
- **Description:** A luxurious, imposing estate equipped with the latest security and surveillance technology, symbolizing Blake's wealth, power, and paranoia.
- **Usage:** The headquarters from where Blake controls his empire and monitors Kevin's progress, plotting to intervene at the critical moment.
A brilliant physicist and mathematician works with his wife and assistant on a revolutionary system of probabilistic projection through modeling of reality for the UN, in order to efficiently predict natural, human, and health disasters. Absorbed in his work, he arrives late to a fundraiser gala and witnesses his wife's assault and murder, powerless to stop it. Consumed by guilt, he immerses himself in his research to model the events leading to his wife's murder and find a way to prevent them, but in doing so, he ignores all protocols and is removed from the project, losing any chance of success.
He then offers his services to a financial consortium interested in his system's market prediction capabilities, but they discover his intentions to project his consciousness back in time and decide to eliminate him to seize his invention and dominate the world. The scientist thwarts his assassination and projects himself into the past to save his wife, but the consortium's henchmen follow him and prevent him from doing so because if his wife does not die, the time consciousness projection technology will never be invented, and the consortium cannot afford to miss out on such an invention in their arsenal. The scientist then decides to sabotage his research on probabilistic projection at an earlier point in time, so that the dramatic events leading to his wife’s murder never occur.