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Next step of CREA at EACWP

Next step of CREA at EACWP

Publié le 6 oct. 2022 Mis à jour le 6 oct. 2022 Curiosités
time 2 min


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Next step of CREA at EACWP

Why is Creative Room European Alliance so successful?
Simple, because every day its only goal is to be an innovative digital space, where lovers of words, art, imagination and novelty can share passions, create collaborations and disseminate information. A safe and free digital space for all users, who can free their imagination and create their own personalized profile in a fun and interactive way.

After the first wonderful event, in Madrid in September 2022, which finally launched CREA, the best consortium dedicated to writing, and presented by Panodyssey, the expectations and objectives are high! But the potential of this interactive social network bears fruit with millions of visitors every day, more than a thousand writers who publish regularly and an uncountable number of passionate readers. A creative space in exponential growth, as it allows freedom of expression to members through art, words, drawings, videos and special Rooms where to categorize your own masterpieces.

Panodyssey, in mid-October, will have the honor of participating in the XVI engaging pedagogical symposium in Arhhem, Netherlands, organized by European Association of Creative Writing Programmes (EACWP) and assisting in the collaboration of the major European institutions dedicated to creative writing, just to name a few - Aleph-Écriture (Paris), ArtEZ (Arnhem) , Casa de Letras (Buenos Aires), Creatief Schrijven (Antwerp), Escola d ́escriptura (Barcelona), Escuela de Escritores (Madrid), Escrever, escrever (Lisboa), Institut für Sprachkunst (Vienna), Scuola Holden (Turin), Valand Academy (Gothemburg) -. On this occasion Panodyssey will obviously present CREA, the consortium and the ingenious potential that this digital space offers.

Three fruitful days filled with debates, workshops and of course creative writing. Panodyssey and CREA could not miss such an enriching and engaging experience, CREA cannot stand still to wait and become obsolete, CREA is constantly evolving in order to give the best experience to all users!

How does CREA be so international? Because the brilliant minds behind this partnership are located in five different countries of the European Union, but in continuous growth, in the fields of media, culture, education and technology and supported by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.

If you are creative and curious try to browse and publish on the Panodyssey website, having fun attaching photos and videos at your leisure. Writers, storytellers, artists, readers, associations, editors etc. everyone is welcome to the fantastic world of CREA and Panodyssey, you all are invited to share your stories or collaborate with us.

Welcome to Panodyssey, welcome to Creative Room European Alliance.

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