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The CREA European Tour

The CREA European Tour

Publié le 4 nov. 2022 Mis à jour le 4 nov. 2022 Culture
time 3 min


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lecture 329 lectures

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The CREA European Tour

The power of writing and creativity? It is to be able to unite 5 different countries in a single project with the aim of promoting European culture and writings. A dynamic and boundless project to the point of capturing the attention of the European Commission and obtaining the support and the encouragement of the European Union. A constantly evolving collaboration with new activities, intentions, updates and associated partners.

The name of this dream come true? It's called CREA, Creative Room European Alliance.

CREA is a consortium that currently includes 15 members scattered across France, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria, all in different fields such as media, culture, education and technology but united by creativity and the desire to emerge. CREA is magnetic! It continuously

lecture 329 lectures
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Bernard verif

Bernard Ducosson il y a 2 ans

CREA, première syllabe du début de la CREAtion, ouverte aux cultures et aux arts.
CREA, first syllable at the beginning of CREAtion, open to cultures and the arts.

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