Tibor Noé Kiss and Réka Borda, the new Hungarian ambassadors of Panodyssey
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Tibor Noé Kiss and Réka Borda, the new Hungarian ambassadors of Panodyssey
In autumn of 2022, we have launched a project to promote the Panodyssey platform: the main objective of Panodyssey is to create a community site where users can directly share their texts - which can be fiction or non-fiction - and monetize it as well.
Until December 2023, a total of six popular Hungarian authors will take part in the project as ambassadors of Panodyssey, to show the potential of the platform to the people interested in publishing, whether they are professionals or amateurs. The first Hungarian ambassadors of Panodyssey were Anita Moskát and Péter Závada, who represented the project between October 2022 and February 2023. You can read their writings and workshop diaries on the Panodyssey website, and last but not least, they selected the winners of the 1st Hungarian Panodyssey writing contest.
From March, however, Panodyssey will have new Hungarian ambassadors, namely Tibor Noé Kiss and Réka Borda.
Réka Borda is a Hungarian poet, writer and translator. She graduated in French at ELTE, then obtained her BA in Design and Art Theory at MOME and her Master's degree in Design Theory at MOME. Her literary career started at MŰÚT Szöveggyár in 2010. Her first solo book, Hoax, was published in 2017 in the Scolar L!ve series. The following year, she was awarded the Mihály Babits Literary Translation Scholarship. She is a former board member of the József Attila Circle, a former poetry editor of the Műút journal, and a member of the Young Writers' Association and the Society of Hungarian Authors. Her first novel, Égig érő csalán, was published by Scolar Publishing House in 2022. (photo: Norbert Zólyomi)
Tibor Noé Kiss is a Hungarian prose writer, editor and journalist. She graduated from the Bálint György School of Journalism of MÚOSZ, then she got her degree at the University of Pécs, in Sociology. Since 2009 she has been the layout editor of the professional journal TeleTextil, since 2010 of Jelenkor, and since 2016 of the journal Színház. Since 2012, she has been the organiser of the Irodalmi Diszkó series and later festival in Pécs. Her literary-works (column, novel excerpt, poem) has been published in numerous print and online publications - Jelenkor, Kalligram, Élet és Irodalom, Műút, Alföld, Látó, Székelyföld, Tiszatáj, Litera, Könyvesblog, Bárka Online, SZIF Online, Magyar Narancs, Népszabadság, Kettős Mérce, Elle, Forbes, Szabadpécs, Made in Pécs Magazin - and in several anthologies. In 2010, her autobiographical novel Incognito was published by Alexandra Publishing. It was republished in 2016 by Magvető Publishing. This was followed in 2014 by her second novel, Aludnod kellene, for which she was awarded the Pál Békés Award a year later. Her third book, Beláthatatlan táj, was published in 2020 and won the Artisjus Award.
The above article is the English translation of the original Hungarian article published on Könyves Magazin