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The Eye of the Unicorn

The Eye of the Unicorn

Publié le 19 juin 2022 Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 184 lectures

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The Eye of the Unicorn

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Morag Higgins (United Kingdom)

About the book:  On a dying planet two species compete for survival. The San, a people who have been divided into tribes through war, bigotry and hate, their population devastated by a mysterious illness. Their rivals, the Cuc, a hive species who declare all out war on the San. Born into this world are twin sons of the Chieftain of the Warrior Clan of the Chai, Remruc and Curmer. After the death of their father, they are burdened with the task of saving their people. Together they formulate a radical plan which could unite the divided clans. Taking advantage of the race weakened by illness and held together by very tenuous bonds, the Cuc a formidable enemy of the San take them to the very brink of destruction. When all seems lost a secret is uncovered, a secret that may secure the safety of their people but a secret that has a darker side and a high price will be paid for survival. A fast paced action packed adventure that will keep you turning the pages to find the answers and leave you breathless as the legend of Remruc and Curmer unfolds.


lecture 184 lectures
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