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"As a artist, there is the need to be competent in plenty of other skills"

"As a artist, there is the need to be competent in plenty of other skills"

Publié le 30 juin 2023 Mis à jour le 30 juin 2023 Culture
time 2 min
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lecture 119 lectures

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"As a artist, there is the need to be competent in plenty of other skills"

Can a writer make a living today solely from writing?
It was one of the questions raised and discussed at the Panodyssey Discussion in Cluj (RO) last week. Speakers László Valuska and Ferenc André discussed topics such as the author as a brand, artistic royalties, and the invisible part of artistic production.

The invisible work, accessibility, and the need for creative versatility were among the topics discussed in detail during the Panodyssey programme at the Cluj-Napoca Book Week. As one of the aims of Panodyssey is to enable authors to share and monetize their work, the discussion between László Valuska and Ferenc André naturally led more in depth in this direction. First, they talked about the first ever and current awards for writers. They pointed out the difference: the artist's

lecture 119 lectures
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