166 works were entered for the second Panodyssey competition.
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166 works were entered for the second Panodyssey competition.
It was the second call for the Panodyssey project, which was launched with the theme "Walking in spaces, in stories". A total of 166 entries were submitted, which exceeded all expectations. We will report on the nomination process, presenting the finalists and the winners in the Book Magazine website.
Panodyssey is an initiative based in France with the main objective of creating a community site for writers and poets. The Creative Room European Alliance consortium aims to bring Panodyssey to other parts of Europe. This international programme brings together organisations from more than nine European countries. In autumn 2022, in professional partnership with Könyves Magazin, Pro Progressione started to promote the Panodyssey platform in Hungary. As part of this collaboration, Könyves

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