The Story of Feng Li
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The Story of Feng Li
The wisdom of simplicity and balance.
My name is Sun Yun and I have been accompanying Feng Li for travel for several years. The man is kind, wise, and compassionate monk, who also concerned and caring about the beings in his surrounding. He is a scholar, he knows literature, traditional medicine Yet Feng Li does not hesitate to cultivate his own garden. This man has shaved and vowed to live a simple lifestyle. I assist him to lift his baggage bearing texts, recipes. Including also broken and simple types of tools, plants, seeds, roots and remedies of diseases.
And thus we have come through the years of lazing through lakes and seas, across rocks and snow cresting mountains. The climate is often quite harsh, but the trip is always exciting. Every time we get to pause, we get the feeling of being wanted and needed to spread out the goodness that this uncomplicated kind of living could impart.
But now, as snow on roofs of the houses, y
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