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Spring sense and beauty

Spring sense and beauty

Publié le 26 avr. 2022 Mis à jour le 26 avr. 2022 Bien-être
time 1 min
thumb 3 commentaires
lecture 281 lectures

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Spring sense and beauty

Spring is a wonderful time of the year. All the colours of nature are pleasing the eye with their intensity and richness. Nature is revived for a new life full of beauty and energy.

This is the time of rebirth and beliefs of a better life.

This is the time of Easter, which brings light and peace in our mind and our homes.

This is the time of new beginnings and wishes of a peaceful, kind and happy being.

lecture 281 lectures
thumb 3 commentaires

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Alexandre Leforestier verif

Alexandre Leforestier il y a 2 ans

Excellent !

Welcome dear writer... Who is the photographer ?

Don't hesitate to mention the name of the photographer when you publish on Panodyssey...

Even if you are the photographer ! ;-)

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Iliana Draganova verif

Iliana Draganova il y a 2 ans

Thank you, Alexandre!
The photographs are mine :) I will mention that in next publications.
Regards :)

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