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A History of Wickedness/TheMartyrdom of Saint Appolonia (a poem) 

A History of Wickedness/TheMartyrdom of Saint Appolonia (a poem) 

Publicado el 3, mar, 2023 Actualizado 3, mar, 2023 Cultura
time 1 min
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A History of Wickedness/TheMartyrdom of Saint Appolonia (a poem) 


A History of Wickedness/The Martyrdom of Saint Appolonia


When it came to the Passion play the schoolmaster could count on

the cooperation of the well-to-do butchers of the town,

and for the crucifixion scene, that of the local joiners' guilds.


But the signs in Fouquet's miniature are ambiguous. 

Despite the mischievous angel hosts and the mouth of Hell

We cannot be certain the scene we're witnessing

is merely playacted torture or a real execution.


The enormous tongs are definitely an exaggeration, though the show

was almost certainly enjoyed by those who themselves

had sufferings to recount; each pulling of an incisor or molar

taking their minds temporarily off their own troubles.


When the tension began to subside, scornful guffaws

could be heard from the crowd. The performers hadn't

always managed to turn the board unnoticed so as to

ensure that, to the unanimous amazement of the spectators,

the blows raining down on the dummy would burst

the pigs’ bladders filled with cow's blood.


©Anna Bentley 2022 for the English translation


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