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Péter Závada avatar


Péter Závada


I'm a Hungarian poet, playwright, and translator from Budapest. I was born in 1982. I have an MA in English, Italian, Theatrology, and a PHD in Aesthetics from ELTE University. I work in various theatres. I published 4 books of poetry so far at Jelenkor.

Miembro de Panodyssey desde noviembre 2022

3572 lecturas 14 Suscripciones 26 Suscriptores 23 me gusta 1 comentario

A Hungarian Poet Navigating Internationa...

I'm Péter Závada, a Hungarian poet, playwright, and literary translator from Budapest. I'll post here my poems, and some essays in English translation so you'll get to know the Hungarian literary scene a bit. I hope you'll enjoy it.

A Hungarian Poet Navigating International Waters
A Hungarian Poet Navigating International Waters
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