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Navigating Life’s Waters

Navigating Life’s Waters

Published Sep 24, 2024 Updated Sep 26, 2024 Drama
time 2 min
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lecture 16 readings

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Navigating Life’s Waters

Lessons learned from riding the flowing currents

As the year draws to a close, I find myself peering out over the tranquil waters and thinking: where has this river taken me in the past twelve months? Like the flow itself, 2023 brought both calm stretches and raging rapids, little eddies, and wide open spaces. Yet traveling down its paths, I learned that with patience and flexibility, there is treasure to uncover even in life’s roughest terrain.

The year began with a lingering fog, as so many Januaries do.

I’d completed major projects and saw clients through big transitions in late 2022, leaving me adrift as the cold months set in. Creative work had always grounded my spirit, but with downtime on the horizon, restlessness set in. I spent nights scanning the horizon for the next bend in this river, curious where inspiration may surface, but unsure of the route ahead.

It was in these quiet spells that simple pleasures sustained: bund

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