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Violence Is Only One of The Options

Violence Is Only One of The Options

Publié le 16 oct. 2022 Mis à jour le 16 oct. 2022 Bien-être
time 1 min
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lecture 200 lectures

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Violence Is Only One of The Options

     What would you do if somebody angers you that much that you can’t see another outcome rather than slapping this person? What would you do if somebody tries to steal from you or a tramp asks you for money but he’s too arrogant? Plenty of options but you often pick only one of them right!?

     Just recently I was talking to a girl that works hard to support her 3 year old child. As a single mother she faces too many unpleasant obstacles but that particular evening she was just having conversation with me. A random guy came and asked for money. I gave him 0.5 bucks and wished him good look. After that he started talking to himself and she was ready to tear him apart as it turned out that this is someone who often steals from the nearby shop that she works in. I explained to her that this aggressive approach is highly dangerous as you don’t know who you might face. In a fight wetter physical or not there is always a 50 to 50 per cent chance to win or lose. Believe me, as a gambler in life I pretty much know that. Now at age 34 (more mature than ever :)) I would always pick up the Bas Rutten approach… For those of you that don’t know he is a professional fighter on some serious championships. On the Tim Ferris podcast he shared that he used to work as bouncer and for 95 per cent of the cases he doesn’t need to fight. He actually said that when things heathen up in the club, he tries to rationalize the problem with the people involved and for the most part it works.

     The best professionals in the game of life are very calm and know how to handle situations peacefully. Some of those are: negotiators, bouncers, people who suffered a lot in their youth and wouldn’t risk their nerves or health like that.

In conclusion… Keep yourself focused on your craft, be a professional both on your job and in life and stop risking yourself like crazy:)

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