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Sudden Widow

Sudden Widow

Publié le 12 juin 2022 Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 Bien-être
time 1 min
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lecture 237 lectures

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Sudden Widow

A True Story of Love, Grief, Recovery, and How Badly It Can Suck! 

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Bella Lynn Thompson (USA)

Bella Lynn Thompson has survived the ultimate loss of love. A lifelong writer, she turned to the page to grieve and make sense of her new life following the death of her husband after twenty-one years together.  

In her debut book, SUDDEN WIDOW, A True Story of Love, Grief, Recovery, and How Badly It CAN Suck!, she recounts her happiest and most trying times, managing to offer guidance, camaraderie, humor, and support to other widows through her words.

Bella graduated with a Ph.D. in Psychology, has worked in multiple settings and is a Senior Adjunct Professor of Psychology. On good days and bad days, she is a devoted mom to her sons.


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