The Ups and Downs of Constant Blogging
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The Ups and Downs of Constant Blogging
Maintaining creativity, engagement, and motivation over the long term.
I learned that maintaining a blog was a lot of work when I initially began blogging five years ago. As a start, it was possible to write a few posts a week; 2 to 3 at the worst, meaning the rate was one post per day. Again, I was motivated by the passion, and I had a host of sketchy concepts that could be given a try. But to maintain that same rate in the subsequent years or even a decade? Well, that has been a true test of commitment.
Just like any other relationship, there have been good and bad times with my blog.
Some terms and semesters followed one another in a way where ideas sprung all day and composition was fluid. Sometimes, the whiteness of the paper invited me to start writing and other times the blank challenge provoked an intense desire to give up on writing altogether. I mentioned, in a previous post, that I pondered on quitting because that feeling of h
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