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Micromarketing with micro-budget

Micromarketing with micro-budget

Publié le 22 oct. 2020 Mis à jour le 22 oct. 2020 Entrepreneuriat et start-up
time 3 min
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lecture 170 lectures

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Micromarketing with micro-budget

I used to have a class where our professor used to work at Google. He kept telling us that “Advertising is not spending aimlessly, it’s investing.” The more you do it, the more you earn from it! (of course, only if you do it right)

But how do you advertise something right? I learned how it can be done in school but marketing and advertising is an ever-changing business landscape. That’s why I decided to take a closer look at the excuses I heard all the time that we don’t have a budget for marketing and advertising. I decided to start a micromarketing experiment, at an extremely low-cost which I’ll discuss in more detail in the upcoming article. I took every penny that I can afford a month (deducted from my food costs) for buying ads for my friend’s start-up in Taiwan.

The goal is to use

lecture 170 lectures
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