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Some people just can’t take planes

Some people just can’t take planes

Publié le 14 oct. 2024 Mis à jour le 17 oct. 2024 Voyage
time 4 min
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lecture 12 lectures

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Some people just can’t take planes

This makes their lives so difficult

There is a need to comprehend why some individuals are unable to transfer by plane.

A fear of flying or more formally aviophobia is among the primary causes as to why some people cannot be on planes. There are many different phobias when it comes to flying, and these phobias range from claustrophobic feelings to patients having the phobia of height and the fear of an airplane crash. It can reach a point where such a person is virtually crippled in regard to his work or social interactions. But the good news is that this is a fear that can be learned how to conquer; for instance take a short flight, then progress to the longer ones. One of the helpful tools for controlling and overcoming this sort of fear is to apply consulting a professional, including a therapist or counselor.

As to the factor which some people cannot take planes, it is also possible to mention discomfort or health problems. The

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