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Multiple Pages in ViewPager Android

Multiple Pages in ViewPager Android

Publié le 3 août 2020 Mis à jour le 3 août 2020 Technologie
time 1 min
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Multiple Pages in ViewPager Android

Nowadays In Android applications, we often have seen custom designs throughout the application, Which makes UI more beautiful. So in that case, I have experienced some custom design implementation, In which I need to show the two pages in a single View. 

In this article, we will learn how we can show the multiple pages in a ViewPager like the below screenshot:


The following steps we need to follow to achieve the above layout.

Step1: Add a ViewPager in your layout file like the below code snippet.

android:layout_marginTop="4dp" />

 Step2: Make a ViewPager Item UI, as per our design above.

 Step3: Create an Adapter class and override the function `onPageWidth'  and set the value to 0.5f to divide the two pages in single views, like the below code snippet.

override fun getPageWidth(position: Int): Float {
return 0.5f

Step4: Now, just run your application and see the result.


This article taught you how you can simply add multiple pages in ViewPager with the help of an override function called onPageWidth()

I hope this article is helpful. If you think something is missing, have questions, or would like to offer any thoughts or suggestions, go ahead and leave a comment below. I’d appreciate the feedback.

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