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Murdered for Love

Murdered for Love

Publié le 22 oct. 2024 Mis à jour le 22 oct. 2024 Conte
time 12 min
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lecture 4 lectures

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Murdered for Love


Murdered for love හෙවත් අනිච්ඡාවත සංකාරා


A woman was killed in my neighbourhood in 2011, because of Love!

I saw it with my own eyes, as did the many who were around.

Millions of women are getting killed everywhere in the world but, is this story a different one?

Death is such a banal subject because everyone who is born must die and death happens in many ways. How boring it is to die at the age of 99, surrounded by the lollipop -sucking great grandchildren who always wished your death so that they can have a nice family get together in the name of a funeral! Death has ceased to shock me after I saw her being killed. 

Natural death and being killed by someone else are two different things. Murdered. Murdered for no reason. Murdered to shock others. Murdered to murder sensitive living beings. I saw it, this murder, that is why I am telling you all, again and again. Now, I can’t erase the

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