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My Journey to Lead With Empathy

My Journey to Lead With Empathy

Publié le 21 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 21 sept. 2024 Société
time 4 min
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lecture 27 lectures

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My Journey to Lead With Empathy

Through life’s shifting tides.

Reflecting on my leadership path, each phase seems shaped by natural rhythms, like the tides that sculpt our coast. Just as ocean waters nourish coastlines through cycles small and vast, so the journey teaches through experiences both fleeting and transformative.

I recall youthful days playing at the shore’s edge, watching waves arrive and follow one after another in a mysterious cadence. Their dance seemed to hold secrets whispered too soft for young ears. While leadership then appeared sublime as seabirds’ flight, the calling stirred heartstrings with intimations of purpose unfolding in time.

Adolescence brought ebbs of wondering and gifts borne ashore on crests of discovery rippling community service.

Mentors emerged from surf-bearing gifts like sand dollars and stories conveying wisdom’s harvest from weathering life’s swells and shoals. Their lore sustained seasons traversing choppy narrows and ca

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