Addiction or Manipulation?
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Addiction or Manipulation?
Alcohol in the workplace
Alcohol in the Workplace, A Prevalent but Problematic Issue
It’s no secret that many of us enjoy an adult beverage from time to time. After a long week, meeting friends at the bar for drinks is a common way to unwind. However, bringing alcohol into the actual workplace can cause serious problems that impact both employers and employees.
As the research shows, alcohol use during working hours is distressingly common. From chugging beers on your lunch break to spiking your coffee with a secret flask of whiskey, too many folks see boozing on the job as no big deal. But the fact is, being buzzed or tipsy at work impacts your performance and your coworkers’ safety.
Alcohol is a depressant that slows your cognitive and motor skills. Even moderate drinking hinders important functions like decision-making, multitasking, and problem-solving. Ever tried to code or do detailed paperwork after a couple of glasses
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