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Tighten the Lug Nuts

Tighten the Lug Nuts

Publié le 18 juin 2022 Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 Entrepreneuriat et start-up
time 2 min
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lecture 403 lectures

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Tighten the Lug Nuts

The Principles of Balanced Leadership

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Rocky Romanella (USA)   Rocky Romanella  

About the author: Rocky Romanella, born in New York City in an Italian family, began a 36-year career with UPS as a part-time loader and unloader. From there, he climbed the ranks to become President and General Manager of UPS Supply Chain Solutions and Retail Operations where he led one of the largest Rebranding initiatives  in Franchising, THE UPS STORE. After retiring from the largest transportation and logistics company in the world, Romanella went on to serve as Chief Executive Officer and Director for UniTek Global Services, a telecommunications solutions company.

His over 40 years of "Boots on the Ground" experience in operational management, business integration, telecommunications, franchise development, supply chains, and leadership development  led to the founding 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC. Utilizing his experiences, Romanella embarked on writing Tighten the Lug Nuts: The Principles of Balanced Leadership, which explores the ways a true leader can add value as a trusted advisor, mentor, and visionary who uses a process approach to lead the organization and its people to new levels of success. 

Rocky holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from St. John’s University.

About the book:   A 2021 Amazon Best-Seller & Critically-Acclaimed Leadership Book!

Tighten the Lug Nuts is loaded from cover to cover with practical information that can help leaders become more effective, more productive, and more successful. You'll learn from industry-leading speaker Rocky Romanella who holds over 40 years of leadership at Fortune 100 companies. It is not just another "business leadership book." Rocky's simple concepts, with powerful “How To Messages“ can be utilized by anyone who holds a leadership position - parents, managers, educators, and others alike!
Are You Looking For Your Blueprint for Success? Look No Further! Tighten The Lug Nuts is the #1 Leadership Book You Can Read to Help You Accelerate Towards Your Personal & Professional Goals.
Whether You Are a Seasoned Professional or a First-Time Manager, Tighten The Lug Nuts is not only motivational but also a call to action for those who have yet to make a mark in their field. Each chapter contains real-world stories and Learning Lessons to ensure that you become the best leader for yourself and your team.
  • Learn Real-World Lessons in Leadership
  • Transform Your People
  • Lead Your Team to Success
  • Understand Your Goals
  • Reach Your Personal & Professional Goals


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