Come and See
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Come and See
An invitation to reclaim your life's balance
Listen to the interview with the author here
Author: James C. Vogelzang (USA)
Come and See is not a self-help book—just the opposite. It is an invitation to consider a solution that demands:
no achievements, striving, or, performance hurdles.
The book explores:
a) taking charge of the regrets from your past,
b) healing from emotional and spiritual disillusionment,
c) the power of forgiveness—for yourself and others.
This book offers you a solution to the emotional vertigo you are feeling but cannot identify. Come and See proposes a cure that is candid, somewhat uncomfortable and quite possible scary. This book does not preach, judge, or emotionally manipulate, but rather, respectfully proposes a surprising solution to women’s disequilibrium allowing grace and forgiveness to be felt again…or perhaps for the first time.