Finding Your Voice Through Passionate Storytelling
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Finding Your Voice Through Passionate Storytelling
How I discovered my blog’s true purpose
When I first started this journey of sharing my experiences and insights through writing, I faced a challenge many new bloggers do: making my voice stand out in the middle of constant lying on the World Wide Web. Initially, I thought of writing posts that would make my audience happy, and so wrote whatever came into my mind each day. Before long, I noted these scattered fragments did little to resonate with passion.
So now readers want more than just a pretty face or some over-hyped memes, as my teacher Ryan Holiday is fond of repeating.
They look for value in a world full of penny shares. I realized one truth when I couldn’t sleep, wondering why what I said was uninteresting. Was I writing to complete some task, or to inspire others with what inspires me? Searching for one's call requires one to embrace simplicity and take time.
I started asking myself some questions — which subjects light me
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