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Perfect scenarios 1 - For Emma

Perfect scenarios 1 - For Emma

Publié le 2 mars 2023 Mis à jour le 2 mars 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 132 lectures

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Perfect scenarios 1 - For Emma

A text to my girlfriend Emma when inspired by my love for her.

Emma: How's your evening, cookiebean?

Me: Missing you and your cuddles.

Me: your soothing voice teaching me about war.

Me: Your warm embrace.

Me: The love you give me... I'm so in love with you, Emmatje.

Emma: I miss you too!! Lots and lots!!

Me: I really could live with you...

Emma: We belong together!

Me: We do! I wouldn't mind seeing you every day, cuddling, growing old and cranky together...

Emma: That will be so cute!

Me: We could be together on a balcony in the summer in Algarve, on a warm yet chilly when the breeze comes kind of night, in a small village where the light pollution is low, and the milky way is visible. The air in those summers smells of hay and warm concrete. And even the water in the pipes is warm, and taking a cold shower is just the right temperature to cool from the heat, yet not so cold as to feel unpleasant. Cooling down in the shower, feeling the salty sweat wash away, and the perfume of shampoo and soap roam the room. Your hair feels cold, which is unusual as normally it is warm, but that's what makes it better against the heat of 40 degrees in the shade. And we spent our day playing on the beach, under the hot scalding sun. We're tired from swimming, and we feel our muscles relax as we lay back on that balcony, after a delicious dinner of prego or chicken piri-piri, that we had with sumol, and ice cream for dessert. We lay with the light blanket on our laps, and the kitties join us. We can hear the crickets and the sound of the wind. When we close our eyes it's dark and lightweight. When we open our eyes, millions of stars stare back at us. And we're together, contemplating the universe that so generously brought us together, thanking it for having us find each other, and just appreciating our lives together. 


lecture 132 lectures
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