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From This Day On

From This Day On

Publié le 25 oct. 2023 Mis à jour le 25 oct. 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 136 lectures

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From This Day On

I realized I have lived in a trap

You set up for me

Full of fear

Everywhere I looked

I saw your dark shadow

Impeding me from doing the things I love

Preventing me from being myself

All this time.


At first, I thought you were protecting me

But with time, I learned the hard way

It wasn’t love

And never was.


Now, I am ready to let my sun shine

The one I hid with a heavy lid on it

Making my heart hard and heavy

Full of sadness and lack of understanding

For my punishment.


This i my message for all the ladies like me

To avoid traps and follow the signs of the Universe


Because I know deep inside my heart,

There is nothing wrong with me,

Nothing to lose,

But everything is to win from this day on.


lecture 136 lectures
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